security hire
May 2, 2022

What is a Private Security Service?

By Liam

A private security service is a business that provides security for individuals or businesses. There are many different types of private security services, but three of the most common are guarding a factory, escorting VIPs around town, and protecting an athlete or celebrity.


There are many different reasons people hire a private security service, but people hire a personal security service to protect something, or someone, from harm. For example, people want their homes protected from intruders. Or perhaps an athlete needs a bodyguard for their first day of school. The security offered by private security services is usually paid for by the individual or business that wants protection. The payment may come in cash or, in some cases, the client pays through billing services such as credit cards.


Private security services will interview potential clients to determine the desired type of protection. For example, if a client would like to have someone constantly follow them around town, they would be hired by a private security service to provide such constant protection. If a client needs a bodyguard for their first day of school, they will require different levels of protection than they would if they needed protection on an ongoing basis. The amount of cash offered by a private security service can vary. The client may decide what amount is paid to hire their private security service at the initial interview or ongoing.

hire security


One unique thing about working as a private security guard versus working as a police officer is that most people do not regard private security services as being “real” cops or “real” law enforcement in any way, shape, or form. As long as the client pays for their services and there are no issues regarding illegal activities or bad behavior from the guard, it’s perfectly acceptable not to call the police when necessary. They can call their private security guard service instead and have them take care of things. Private security guards are much more likely to resolve conflicts without involving the police. It is not uncommon for private security guards to intervene or even use physical force if they feel that this may be necessary for the client not to get hurt.


There are many theories about the motives private security hire services typically have when hired by clients. Some say that it’s purely a monetary issue and that most private security services do not provide a full range of protection. There are many commercial facilities where a client will pay for the establishment’s police officers outside of any private security service being hired. This is one example where “real cops” do not apply; instead, it’s only really as far as the people who work at the establishment are concerned! Others believe that some clients probably feel like their business or home is being invaded by someone else, so they want to hire them to keep this invasion out of their private business.